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Sandblast Stucco For Re-Painting
The purpose of sandblasting stucco is to prepare the surface for either re-paint or re-stucco. When sandblasting to prepare for re-paint it is important not to damage the stucco, as new paint hasn't enough body to cover or hide rough spots caused by the sandblasting. Often the old paint is harder than the stucco, so as the abrasive cuts through the paint it also cuts into the stucco. We find that removal of loose paint is the best that can be done in order to leave the stucco intact.

Sandblast Stucco.

Sandblast Stucco For Re-Stucco
The intent is to remove the paint from the surface and leave all the colorcoat intact. There is no reason to remove the colorcoat down to the browncoat, unless it is sandy and deteriorated.
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